Rock in Retrospect
“Rock in Retrospect” focuses on the lives, careers and legacies of artists who made a significant impact on the music industry. Host Nick Bambach invites a guest to discuss their favorite artists and why they matter. We also occasionally create episodes focusing on awards shows and music-related institutions such as the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Oscars, the Kennedy Center Honors and the Grammys. If you enjoy stimulating and often-humorous discussions about music history in a laid-back environment, then this is the podcast for you!
Rock in Retrospect
Albert Tsibu, who runs the @InductAaliyah campaign on various social media platforms, joins Nick to discuss his all-time favorite artist: the one and only Aaliyah. We have an in-depth conversation about the late singer's career and legacy. We discuss various topics such as Aaliyah's music videos, her status as a fashion icon, and our favorite songs from her catalog. We also talk about Aaliyah's recent induction into the National Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame last year and her potential induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (filled with dream inductors and set lists). To paraphrase Albert's favorite social media hashtag, he gave all the things and much more with his beautiful tribute to Aaliyah.
Please sign Albert's Change.Org petition to help get Aaliyah inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
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