Rock in Retrospect
“Rock in Retrospect” focuses on the lives, careers and legacies of artists who made a significant impact on the music industry. Host Nick Bambach invites a guest to discuss their favorite artists and why they matter. We also occasionally create episodes focusing on awards shows and music-related institutions such as the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Oscars, the Kennedy Center Honors and the Grammys. If you enjoy stimulating and often-humorous discussions about music history in a laid-back environment, then this is the podcast for you!
Rock in Retrospect
Movie Talk: Thriller 40
Music writer and critic Tom Lane (check out his Music Blog) returns to talk about Nelson George's documentary Thriller 40 (2023). The film focuses on the creation and legacy of Michael Jackson's iconic 1982 album. We have an informal discussion of the best and most memorable moments in the film, provide insight into the album's production history, celebrate the many talented individuals who contributed to Thriller's success and we conclude with a ranking of every song on the album. It's a great tribute to one of the most acclaimed and best-selling albums of all time.
All About M.E. PODCAST
Welcome to the "All About M.E. Podcast ," the podcast where music meets the...
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