Rock in Retrospect
“Rock in Retrospect” focuses on the lives, careers and legacies of artists who made a significant impact on the music industry. Host Nick Bambach invites a guest to discuss their favorite artists and why they matter. We also occasionally create episodes focusing on awards shows and music-related institutions such as the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Oscars, the Kennedy Center Honors and the Grammys. If you enjoy stimulating and often-humorous discussions about music history in a laid-back environment, then this is the podcast for you! New episodes air on Fridays.
Rock in Retrospect
Movie Talk: The Stones and Brian Jones
May 10, 2024
Nick Bambach
Season 4
Episode 69
Music journalist, filmmaker and podcast host Staci Layne Wilson (Rock & Roll Nightmares) joins us to discuss Nick Broomfield's documentary The Stones and Brian Jones (2023). The film covers the life and times of Rolling Stones founding member and multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones who died at age 27 in 1969.